Bidding to host the World Cup is all about infrastructure. You need quality stadia, reliable public transport and an absolute boatload of available hotel rooms.
But you also need a nice looking logo and a catchy slogan. So below are listed all the available logos and slogans for the various World Cup 2018/2022 bids.
Australia 2018/2022 - “Come Play!”
But you also need a nice looking logo and a catchy slogan. So below are listed all the available logos and slogans for the various World Cup 2018/2022 bids.
Australia 2018/2022 - “Come Play!”

Belgium/Netherlands 2018/2022 - “Together for Great Goals”
(Together in theory, but the fact that the Netherlands side of the logo dwarfs the Belgian side is surely a coded message.)

England 2018/2022 - “…”
Deliberately slogan free. Apparently the “Football’s Coming Home” slogan for the 2006 bid was considered arrogant, so this time they’re not risking anything.

Qatar 2022 - “It’s Our Time”

USA 2018/2022 - “The Game is in Us”
(Despite furious Googling, I was unable to find logos for Japan, South Korea, Indonesia Mexico, Russia, or the joint bid from Spain & Portugal. So they must not want it as badly. If you spot any of these logois, please leave a link in the comments.)
Please feel free to compare the above (official) slogans with those suggested by World Cup Blog readers.
The main thing I’m noticing is that none of the above are particularly good. The USA bid looks like a nuersery/kindergarten logo, the England bid is just the word England badly shaped into a football, and Australia went with the rather unimaginative two kangaroos and a soccer ball. Only Qatar and Belgium/Netherlands get a passing grade.
The only explanation I can think of is that if any of the above bids are successful, they’ll have to come up with a whole new logo for the actual tournament. Which might explain why Qatar and Belgium/Netherlands have put the effort in early. Hopefully the other bids are just keeping their graphic design powder dry.
FIFA will announce the World Cup 2018 and 2022 hosts in December 2010.